Perfume Make-Up and Accessories

Apart from dressing nicely we need to accessorize, this can be done in many ways, but what I’m referring to is, perfume make-up and jewelry. Accessorizing can change the entire look of an outfit. An outfit that you may be trying on for the nights party may not meet your expectations until you add that one accessory. It can change the whole thing. Sometimes you may be missing a simple piece of jewelry, a touch of make-up or that beautiful fragrance that caps off the look just right.

Wearing Make-Up

Knowing how to apply and wear make-up is very important for the skin and the look you want to convey. You would be surprised that many women don’t know how to properly apply make-up.

Make-up, when used well, can create dramatic makeovers. A full-coverage concealer can hide a full face of acne, and an expertly-applied lip liner can make your lips look fuller. When you see before and afters, it becomes quite clear just how powerful makeup can be.

Why Make-Up is Important

1. It helps you feel more confident – The right products can really boost your confidence. Even if a dramatic lip color isn’t for you, applying a few subtle essentials can help you feel more pulled-together and, in turn, more confident. Makeup also allows you to cover skin concerns that may cause insecurity. While you don’t have to wear makeup or use it to hide anything, many people prefer to keep blemishes and dark spots undercover and makeup helps you to do that.

2. It conveys your mood – As for mood, brightly colored make-up is one of our favorite ways to send out the signal that we’re in a good one. And for days when your mood isn’t quite as cheery as you’d like, you can also use makeup to fake it till you make it.

3. It can be done to suit different occasions – The right makeup look varies depending on the occasion. And matching your makeup to the situation can help show that you’re prepared. For example, wearing professional make-up to a job interview helps convey that you want to work and would fit right in at the company. On the flip side, changing up your lip color and adding a wing to your eyeliner before a night out is the perfect way to signify that you’re off the clock.

Also, here is a fun and easy everyday Make-Up tutorial that you can follow.

Scent of a Woman

Believe it or not perfumes play a role in building up the personality. It reflects your character. The kind of scent that you use can say a lot about you and it becomes your identity. Perfumes hold great importance in one’s life. Perfume is also sophisticated and alluring, it attracts people to us. It also shows that we care about the way we smell.

You definitely would want people to adore you for the smell you have. Perfume keeps the odor away and makes you feel fresh and confident in yourself. Wearing perfume may lead to you getting that date that you have always wanted. I can’t tell you how many times in my experience where someone walked up to me with a curious smile and asked what fragrance I’m wearing? I always love when people do that because it peeks there interest and they may want to smell nice the way you do and start investing into fragrances themselves.

How To Apply Perfume

That application habit, misting a little scent on your wrists and then pressing them together is actually very bad. The friction created by rubbing, heats up the skin, which produces natural enzymes that change the course of the scent. Most impacted are the top and middle notes, along with the dry-down, or the last and longest period of your fragrance’s unfolding. “With a floral, for example, heat warms up everything, ultimately causing it to lose its crispness.

So, what you want to do is spray the perfume on the parts of the body that you desire and let it dry. Do not touch it or rub it on another part of your body because as stated above, it will affect the notes in the fragrance and you will not get the true power and sensuality that the fragrance can produce.


Accessorize yourself! This can be magic to your outfit, you’ll be surprised what a simple necklace or bracelet can do. Accessories adds versatility to your dress style. A strong piece of jewelry can make a regular outfit graceful. Then we can go wild with the accessories which is a lot of fun to do, from the hair clips, to sunglasses, to belts, to bracelets, to lipstick, to nail polish the sky’s the limit. All you have to do is make sure everything pairs well. It’s fun to accessories but remember we don’t want it to look tacky, so when accessorizing make sure it pairs well with everything you have on.

Accessories always help bring outfits together. A woman owns the outfit she is wearing when accessorizing tastefully. Next time you go shopping and are buying your accessories, don’t think of it as a cool purchase but more of an art piece to put on your canvas which is your body.


Be your own masterpiece!

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